Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah
by Al-Barbahaaree
Trans. Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank

78: Allah has blessed some people more than others and He has done so with complete Justice

Know that Allah has given excellence to the servants, some of them over others, in religion and worldly affairs. He has done so justly. It is not to be said that He acts unjustly or shows undue favour. Whoever says that Allah has blessed the Believer and the disbeliever equally is an innovator. Rather, Allah has granted excellence to the Believer over the disbeliever, to the obedient over the sinner and to the innocent over the despicable, doing so justly. It is His Bounty that He grants to whomsoever He pleases and withholds from whomsoever He pleases.

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